If you're here, you know what this is.
UDP message, sim -> viewer. Only the name of the message is displayed, because there are so many long messages. From (x,y) indicates the world location of the region.
19:34:13 [WARN] From (2838784,2561280), message: MsgImprovedTerseObjectUpdate
Event poller message, sim -> viewer Full message.
19:34:19 [WARN] From (2838784,2561280), event CrossedRegion: MsgServerEvent { region_handle: (2838784,2561280), event: CrossedRegion(EventCrossedRegion { look_at: <0,0,0>, position: <0.27197266,614.9185,27.379677>, socket_addr:, seed_capability: "http://plaza16.osgrid.org:9300/CAPS/4e1bcac8-add4-4d6e-858a-0ebeebf78c7d0000/", region_box: RegionBox { region_handle: (2839808,2561280), size: [1024, 1024] }, session_id: 47a70e91-5cb8-40cb-9047-7db195bec980, agent_id: 44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444 }) }
UDP message, viewer -> sim. Full message.
19:34:19 [WARN] To (2839808,2561280), unreliable message: AgentUpdate { agent_id: 44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444, session_id: 47a70e91-5cb8-40cb-9047-7db195bec980, body_rotation: <0,0,-0.08639962,0.9962606>, head_rotation: <0,0,-0.08639962,0.9962606>, state: 1, camera_center: <1024.4263,614.8971,27.418253>, camera_at_axis: <0.9850568,-0.17223072,0.00003303992>, camera_left_axis: <-0.17223072,-0.9850568,0>, camera_up_axis: <0,0,1>, far: 120.0, control_flags: 1, flags: 0 }
Object has moved to a new region. Triggered by an ObjectUpdate. Same object UUID, new region. The object in the old region will be killed.
19:34:19 [WARN] From (2839808,2561280), message: MsgObjectUpdate
19:34:19 [WARN] Main agent Some((44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444, 47a70e91-5cb8-40cb-9047-7db195bec980)) #1020584680 has entered region (2839808,2561280) and is now in 2 region(s).
19:34:19 [WARN] Region crossing: Created object 44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444 ((2839808,2561280), 1020584680) in [UbitTest2] which was already at PostCreateKill { region_handle: (2838784,2561280), local_id: 313543109 }
CrossedRegion event. This transfers control of the avatar to a new region.
19:34:31 [WARN] From (2839808,2561280), event CrossedRegion: MsgServerEvent { region_handle: (2839808,2561280), event: CrossedRegion(EventCrossedRegion { look_at: <0,0,0>, position: <1023.7555,613.672,27.704407>, socket_addr:, seed_capability: "http://plaza14.osgrid.org:10108/CAPS/01152f01-1ded-4b37-89f4-856ead9aa20f0000/", region_box: RegionBox { region_handle: (2838784,2561280), size: [1024, 1024] }, session_id: 47a70e91-5cb8-40cb-9047-7db195bec980, agent_id: 44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444 }) }
19:34:31 [WARN] Region crossing: CrossedRegion event leaving region (2839808,2561280), entering live region [UbitTest] (2838784,2561280)
19:34:31 [WARN] Region crossing: CrossedRegion event from (2839808,2561280) to (2838784,2561280), distance <-1024,0,0>
CompleteAgentMovement reply
19:34:31 [WARN] Sending CompleteAgentMovement to (2838784,2561280): CompleteAgentMovement { agent_id: 44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444, session_id: 47a70e91-5cb8-40cb-9047-7db195bec980, circuit_code: 1272755378 }
19:34:31 [WARN] To (2838784,2561280), message: CompleteAgentMovement { agent_id: 44d0aec2-1608-4800-b0ac-38a2bfac8444, session_id: 47a70e91-5cb8-40cb-9047-7db195bec980, circuit_code: 1272755378 }
Completion of CrossedRegion event processing
19:34:31 [WARN] Region crossing: CrossedRegion event from [UbitTest2]
Error, The agent object is in a different region than the one that has control. It's normal to have some of this during a region crossing, but it's bad if this continues. "Parent" would be the ID of the vehicle if the avatar was on a vehicle.
19:34:31 [ERROR] Region crossing: agent object is in region (2839808,2561280) at <0.22598767,613.6397,27.626991> but current control region is (2838784,2561280). Parent None
Thes files can be read with Tracy-profiler version 0.10.0
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