Animats logo metaverse viewer

Frequently asked questions

What is this?
It's a metaverse viewer, a client for metaverses such as Second Life and Open Simulator. It's intended to deliver AAA-title visual quality for big-world metaverses.
Is this a project of Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life?
No. In the Second Life ecosystem, the servers are proprietary, but like the Web, the protocol is open and compatible viewers can connect. There are also compatible servers, part of the Open Simulator ecosystem.
What are the system requirements?
This is targeted for gamer PCs. NVidia 1060 or equivalent, with 6GB or more of GPU RAM. PC, Mac, and Linux versions will be available.
What technology is it based upon?
Rust -> Rend3 -> WGPU -> Vulkan. It does not use Unity, Unreal Engine, or Linden Lab code. This is an entirely new viewer, not based on the 20 year old technology used in the Linden Lab viewers and their derivatives.
When will it be available?
No target date at this time. There will be limited demo versions before the full system is available.

Privacy policy

For this web site, the usual site logging information is collected, but not used by us for any commercial purpose.

Terms and conditions

To be provided as the system approaches release.

Copyright 2022, Animats
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